Celpe-Bras Exam Preparation

Preparatory course for foreigners wishing to take Celpe-Bras.

In this course you will learn the structure of the exam, review relevant grammatical topics, practice comprehension and textual production, and how to manage the exam time. The classes are carefully designed for you to practice the skills necessary for a good grade.

We recommend that the student has at least the intermediate level of Portuguese.

Why with Idiomas To Go?

With nearly 20 years of experience, Idiomas To Go prepares you for Celpe-Bras with a qualified and experienced team of teachers.

Idiomas To Go works with one-to-one or group classes. One-to-one lessons can be at the school, at your company or over Skype, with an exclusive teacher and program tailored to your needs.

Our school is located in Moema, one of the most beautiful and safest neighborhoods of Sao Paulo. Another highlight is the accessibility: we are within an 8-minute walk from Moema subway station, surrounded by bike lanes, and several bus options.

What is Celpe-Bras and what is it for?

Celpe-Bras (Portuguese Language Proficiency Certificate for Foreigners) is the official Brazilian exam to certify proficiency in Portuguese as a foreign language.

It is accepted in companies and educational institutions as proof of competence in the Portuguese language. In Brazil, the certificate is required by universities to enter undergraduate and postgraduate courses, to validate diplomas of foreign professionals who intend to work in the country and also for naturalization processes.

5 reasons for you to take the Preparatory Course for the
Celpe-Bras with Idiomas To Go:

1. Practice with correction focused on the exam requirements

Practice, without correction and direction, compromises performance and progress. With nearly 20 years of experience, Idiomas To Go knows the test challenges, requirements and assessment criteria, which accelerates learning by correcting frequent language mistakes and improving competencies.

2. Know the exam structure

Understanding each step of the test is not just about proficiency competencies, but also knowing the deadlines and processes, such as the approval of the application form. With the help of our teachers, you have the necessary support, which is a clear advantage.

3. Review of the most relevant grammatical topics

Even if you already have the knowledge of the Portuguese language required to take the test, there are always points to review and learn in order to write fluently and clearly, and also to express yourself confidently and naturally.

4. Text comprehension and production

Knowing the appropriate text style for each communication situation, is essential to fulfill the purpose of each test activity.

5. How to manage the exam time

In addition to skills in the use of Portuguese, the written part demands efficient time management. In the Idiomas To Go Celpe-Bras Preparation Course, you also practice this ability to make you feel confident and more relaxed on the exam day, which contributes to the result.

Our Activities

Our students, in addition to learning the language, have an incredible range of activities they can do during the course, in their free time or on weekends. Some of them are part of our programs.

Besides that, we are in São Paulo! A global and absolutely diverse city that connects people and cultures. Sao Paulo is for everyone.
It is modern and trendsetter, with numerous options for leisure, business, and entertainment.
In Brazil, everything happens first in São Paulo.

Recognized for the quality and variety of its services, Sao Paulo is the best place for you to learn Portuguese.

Learn the history of our students and see the testimonials

From Basic level to a Copywriter

“I’m Nicolás, an Argentine who arrived in this monster city of São Paulo, a year ago, only knowing the basics of Portuguese. At first, I felt a little lost, not understanding the language and customs of Brazil, and the course helped me a lot in this regard.”

Meet our one-to-one Portuguese Language teachers

Para mim, a sala de aula é uma oportunidade de construir pontes entre diferentes culturas e celebrar a diversidade. Acredito em um ensino que inspire e conecte. Meu pós-doutorado, na USP, ao analisar estratégias para superar obstáculos na comunicação, visa também enriquecer minha prática pedagógica e promover a interculturalidade.

Apaixonada pela cultura brasileira, ensino português para estrangeiros desde 2022. Sou graduanda em Letras Português – Francês pela USP. Amo ler poesia, passear com meu pet e aprender sobre novas culturas.

Sou professor há 7 anos, meu maior hobby é a música. Sou guitarrista há 16 anos e amo conversar sobre música e livros. Amo dar aulas pois gosto de ser útil, ajudando os alunos a alcançarem seus sonhos e objetivos.

Sou paulistano, professor de Português desde 2016, formado em Letras pela USP. Meus pontos fortes são a didática, a paciência e o carisma. Também sou músico amador e entusiasta da música brasileira.

Adoro acompanhar cada aluno em seu aprendizado do português e conhecer suas culturas. Sou mestre em Linguística pela UNICAMP e estou me especializando em Metodologias para o ensino de português para estrangeiros pela PUC-RJ.

Sou formada em Letras e Jornalismo e trabalho como professora de português como língua adicional há quase 30 anos. O que mais gosto no meu trabalho? Meus alunos e o brilho nos olhos deles quando conseguem se expressar!

Mestre em Português como Língua Estrangeira pela Universidade do Porto-Portugal, especialista em Língua Portuguesa pela PUC-SP e graduada em Letras português/Inglês pela Fundação Santo André.

Sou bacharel em Letras e atuo como professora há quase 10 anos. Tenho paixão pelo ensino de Português como Língua Estrangeira e gosto de idiomas, cultura, viagens e literatura. Já publiquei um livro e sonho em viajar o mundo ensinando português.

account manager

Meu interesse pelo idioma se intensificou quando comecei a tocar guitarra. Morei três anos nos Estados Unidos nos anos 90 e após voltar ao Brasil, comecei a dar aulas de Inglês.

account manager

Sou professor de inglês há 30 anos. O que mais me gratifica e me completa como professor é o fato de poder interagir e também aprender com esse vínculo que se estabelece com o aluno.

Ask for a quote

If you need any additional information, please send us a message or call us.

Alameda Jauaperi, 1020 – 1st floor
CEP 04523-014 – Moema
(Near Eucaliptos subway station)


    At Idiomas To Go, you learn all features of the Portuguese language: Comprehension (listening and reading), Speaking (oral production and interaction) and Writing, through the Communicative Approach. Our experienced teachers provide the opportunity to communicate, in a practical and relaxed way, to reach your goals.

    We follow the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) to place each student’s language level. And together with our pedagogical coordination, you set your goals, knowing where you are and placing where you want to be.

    The Communicative Approach

    The communicative approach focuses on the use of language, what we want to communicate / message we want to convey, either in oral or written interaction. The goal is that always through the target language (the language we want to learn), we can express ourselves with our own identity, choosing the meaning we want to give in each moment of communication.

    Class activities and dynamics are student-centered and their real interests, needs, and aims will motivate them to communicate.

    Course Material

    Here, at Idiomas To Go, you can count on different programs, according to your profile.

    Our Portuguese courses are designed to meet the needs of foreigners coming from all over the world. Therefore, we offer programs aimed at Latin language speakers and programs aimed at English or other language speakers.

    We provide students with the latest editions of books for Portuguese learners as well as complementary support through articles, videos, games and other materials specially selected and designed by our teachers team.

    The benefits of having these resources integrated with the programs are allowing students to gain more learning quality and to be more motivated by the diversification of classes.

    Cultural Focus

    In addition to the language, students learn our culture and customs, seeking for a good adaptation to the country, and the language learning process.

    In business courses, as well as learning vocabulary related to the corporate environment in various contexts, our students receive tips on cultural differences in professional interaction.

    International Standard for Language Levels

    Idiomas To Go follows the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) to place each student’s language level.

    Goal Setting

    Through a placement test, we determine your level of Portuguese according to the CEFR. Thus, we can identify your knowledge in comprehension, oral communication and writing, and set a learning goal.


    Your evolution in learning Portuguese follows this international standardization of levels (A1 to C2) and, clearly and objectively, you follow your progress.


    Together with our pedagogical coordination, you set your goals, knowing where you are and placing where you want to be.

    And, we help you achieve your goals.

    Common Reference Levels: Skills Description

    Basic User (A1 e A2)

    Throughout the basic levels, the student will be able to understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment). Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters. Can describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need.

    Intermediate User (B1 e B2)

    By the conclusion of the intermediate levels, students will be able to understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his/her field of specialization. Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party. Can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.

    Proficient User (C1 e C2)

    Throughout the advanced levels, the student will be able to understand with ease virtually everything heard or read. Can summarize information from different spoken and written sources, reconstructing arguments and accounts in a coherent presentation. Can express him/herself spontaneously, very fluently and precisely, differentiating finer shades of meaning even in more complex situations.